APO MO / APO GO TV Box & Smart Phone TV APP 小云





  • This is a software APP purchase, no product will be shipped to you.
  • Please read & understand all product details carefully before purchase.
  • Authorization code will only be sent to you once we have received your order successfully.
  • Strictly no refund is allowed.



  • 此商品为应用程序软件,购买后您将不会收到任何包裹。
  • 购买前,请务必详阅并了解所有产品内容。
  • 只有在下单成功后方可取得授权码。
  • 货既售出,恕不退款。

APO MO / APO GO TV Box & Smart Phone TV APP





  • This is a software APP purchase, no product will be shipped to you.
  • Please read & understand all product details carefully before purchase.
  • Authorization code will only be sent to you once we have received your order successfully.
  • Strictly no refund is allowed.



  • 此商品为应用程序软件,购买后您将不会收到任何包裹。
  • 购买前,请务必详阅并了解所有产品内容。
  • 只有在下单成功后方可取得授权码。
  • 货既售出,恕不退款。


ONE DAY FREE TRIAL 一天免费试用 :Click Here

Product features

  1. Advertising free.
  2. Up-to-date VOD movies, dramas and TV shows on daily basis with English or Chinese subtitle.
  3. Instant activation process.
  4. Smooth and stable video loading with high definition of video resolution
  5. Adapt to all kind of TV box, Android TV, tablet and phone.
  6. Support unlimited switch of devices.
  7. Accessible at anytime and anywhere.



  1. 无广告
  2. 每日更新点播电影、电视剧及综艺节目内容并提供中英字幕
  3. 快速启动程序软体
  4. 提供流畅的高品质影音资源
  5. 适用于各种电视盒子、安卓电视、平板及手机
  6. 支持多设备随意切换
  7. 随时随地,随选随看


APO GO/MO is an IPTV that you can use on your phone / tablet, Android TV box or Android TV.

  • APO IPTV software provides a stable server to provide users with a high-quality viewing experience. High-definition picture quality, the latest automatic update, allowing users to have a good experience.
  • Automatic update system including, channel update, latest movie/series update. With as many as 12 countries, 1000++ live channels, including Malaysia, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, various sports stations, various movie stations, all kinds of series.
  • The first IPTV that supports unlimited device switching at any time, no matter which mobile phone or tablet you want to switch to. Enjoy anytime, anywhere, watch TV channels, film and television experience.

*APO GO/MO is currently only supported on android devices, iOS currently unavailable.
APO GO/MO 目前只支持安卓ANDRIOD 设备, 以及安卓系统ANDROID 5.0 以上的设备。购买前可向我们索取免费试用账户试用。

APO GO/MO currently only available on android device, and also a requirement of android 5.0.
Before purchase can request a Free Trial account from us to test.
ONE DAY FREE TRIAL 一天免费试用 :Click Here


How to activate?

  1. Download APO App in your device. Click ‘Here‘ to Download.
  2. Make payment to subscribe for any package you need.
  3. After payment you’ll received your authorised code by email/Whatapps.
  4. Open APO app in your device, key in the authorised code.
  5. Done, enjoy APO GO/MO.

*Please be remind currently only available on android device 5.0 above


Package price




FAQ [English Ver]

A. What is APO GO / APO MO? 
APO GO / APO MO is an app that provides massive videos & live channels for you to enjoy watching various kind of programme globally.

B. How to buy?
After purchasing your preferred package plan at our online store, our service personnel will contact you and send you an authorization code to activate your app. Else, you may contact us at 016-440-4363 to get your code once your have done your purchase.

C. How to key the authorization code?
Go to personal center-account authorization, enter the purchased authorization code, prompt the successful authorization, close the app and re-enter again.

D. Which system is APO GO / APO MO supported?
APO GO / SVI MO only support Android system with Android version 5.0 or above at the moment.

E. What devices is applicable for APO GO / APO MO?
APO GO is applicable for TV box & Android Smart TV; APO MO is applicable for Android mobile & tablet. Both app support with unlimited switch of devices, which means one account support one device at a time only.

F. What is the difference between package Base and package Plus?
Package Plus is including 18+ content while package Base does not contain 18+ content and the rest is consistent.

G. How long is your subscription plan?
We offer 5 different length of subscription plans with a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 2 years period. You may choose whichever you need.

H. Can I have a free trial before purchase?
Yes, you may reach us at HERE to ask for a one-day free trial authorization code.



一, 什么是 APO GO / APO MO?
APO GO / APO MO是一款影视应用程序,提供大量影音线上资源及实时直播各国有线电视台节目,让用户可以随时随地观赏各种影视节目。

二, 如何购买?

三, 如何输入授权码?
进入个人中心 > 账号授权,输入购买后获取的授权码,系统提示成功授权后退出并重启应用程序即可使用。

四, APO GO / APO MO 支持哪种系统?
APO GO / APO MO目前仅支持安卓系统,安卓版本需至少5.0或以上。

五, APO GO / APO MO支持哪些设备?
APO GO适用于各电视盒子及安卓智能电视机;APO MO则适用于各安卓手机及平板。两款应用程序皆支持多设备切换。 换言之,每次一个账户仅支持一个设备使用。

六, Base配套和Plus配套的差异有哪些?
两款配套均支持全球各种影视节目,区别是Plus配套另含18+成人影片节目, 而Base配套仅支持一般影视节目。

七, APO GO / APO MO的订阅服务共多少天?
APO GO / APO MO总共有5种不同天数的订阅配套,其中最短30天,最长2年。您可依据个人需求进行选购。

八, 购买前,有试用机会吗?

TV BOX Screen Image

Phone Screen Image



A. 30 Days – Base, B. 30 Days – Plus, C. 90 Days – Base, D. 90 Days – Plus, E. 180 Days – Base, F. 180 Days – Plus, G. 365 Days (1 year) – Base, H. 365 Days (1 Year) – Plus, I. 730 Days (2 years) – Base, J. 730 Days (2 years) – Plus